Why Lead a Group?

You know as much as anybody that it's important to be connected. That's one reason you're part of Catalyst Church. We also know that defining community is tough because being in community is more than showing up for Bible study. Sometimes we wait for someone else to make the first move when helping provide that community. Leading a Life Group simply means you go first. You don’t have to be a theologian or commit every night of the week to be a leader.

If you love having fun, helping people take a next step, and celebrating life-change, leading a Life Group may be just the thing for you.


Lead a Life Group



Why Lead a Support Group?

For many people, a biblically-centered support group may fill a gap between biblical understanding of their situation and the need for emotional support. A person's relationship with a licensed practitioner may not provide adequate emotional support, and a person's family and friends may not understand the impact of the life-altering event. A support group among people with shared experiences may function as a bridge between clinical and biblically-based emotional needs.

A Support Group Leader can help those individuals navigate the very difficult season in their life. The Leader is someone who shares or has shared the group’s common experience and can offer the perspective needed to empathize and assist the members of the group when others find it difficult to relate. If you are this person, we invite you to fill out the Support Group Leader’s Application and be a blessing to others.


Why Lead a Short-Term Group?

Short-Term groups bring together people who are looking for a biblically-centered educational experience on various topics such as, finances, biblical knowledge (beginner to advanced), and  the acclimatization to a new way of life, such as the military lifestyle and everything it has to offer. A Short-Term group is designed to educate and/or enhance a group member’s current understanding of biblical principles with regards to everyday-life applications.

A Short-Term Group Leader can give the group members the knowledge they’re looking for by providing first-hand knowledge and experience about the topic. The Leader is someone who shares or has shared the group’s common experience and can offer the perspective needed to empathize and assist the members of the group when others find it difficult to relate or don’t have the requisite knowledge.


If you are this person, we invite you to fill out the Support and Short Term Group Leader’s Application and be a blessing to others.


Lead a Support or a Short-Term Group



Frequently Asked Questions

Am I qualified to be a Life Group Leader?
Leading a Life Group is not about knowing all the answers. Once you sign up to lead, we’ll make sure you have everything you need to be successful.

What will my Life Group do?
At Catalyst, Life Groups form around common interests. Leading is about finding what you want to study or like to do, and inviting people to do it with you. We have Life Groups that exercise together, eat together, ride bikes together, study together, and play ball together. The important word is “together.” What do you enjoy doing?

What does it mean to be the Life Group Leader?
When it comes to conversations or taking next steps, Life Group Leaders go first. Life Group Leaders set the schedule and tone for their Life Group. Life Group Leaders stay in touch with Catalyst so we can help you.

How will Catalyst Church help?
Catalyst Church will help you be the best Life Group Leader you can be. We’ll offer support, resources, training, and encouragement.

How do I get started?
Click “Lead a Life Group” and answer a few questions. We’ll contact you and help you get started.


Have More Questions?
If you have questions, feel free to contact us.